Home Quadcopters, drones and other multi-rotors News Canon’s First Drone With Full Frame Camera

Canon’s First Drone With Full Frame Camera

Canon's First Drone
Image Source | canon.jp

Canon’s First Drone With Full Frame Camera On Board

Well, it’s kind of Canon’s First Drone, mostly because the drone itself isn’t made by the Canon company. The Japan website is showing a drone called PD6E200-AW-CJ1 and it is paired with the Canon ME20F-SH camera with an ISO of 4 million and it is very likely to be quite expensive.

Canon's First Drone Flyiing
Image Source | Youtube.com

So the drone isn’t built by Canon, but the company has made an arrangement (they have invested some money) with the Japanese industrial drone company called Prodrone Co. that will let Canon to use their cameras on the drone and also use the brand name in order to sell the drone. An interesting move and it might pay off if they manage to give it at a reasonable price. Canon hopes to sell drones that are worth 5 billion yen (approximately 43 million euros) by 2020.

Actual Drone

So far, we can see that the Canon’s First Drone looks very similar to the Prodrone PD6-AW and is supposed to be an all-weather drone that can carry a 10kg package. So the drone is weatherproof and it can carry a lot compared to other drones. The drone costs $20,000 which isn’t cheap and it is speculated that it won’t even include the camera at that price, which is also quite expensive.


Canon's First Drone Camera
Image Source | Youtube.com

The drone is probably targeted at companies or at enthusiast consumers. It is going to have the best possible technology possible right now, so this won’t come cheap. Amazon will probably want to invest in something like this because of it’s carry weight and weather resistance. The camera will give the drone the ability to see at night, so it will probably be able to fly at night with no problems. Also, there are more enthusiasts out there than you might think, so the optimistic view from Canon is not baseless. Another good appliance will be in the search and rescue situations… this drone could potentially save many lives even in pitch black situations.

Canon's First Drone Motor and Propeller
Image Source | Youtube.com


We’re probably looking at a $40,000 drone, which is not a price that anyone can afford. So if you don’t have that much money to spend whenever you want, then the drone probably isn’t for you. Unless that’s your life goal, I suggest that you should go for the DJI Phantom series in order to get some quality footage and drone flight. Even so, it is quite nice to see what the current drone and camera technology can offer and this will surely be a nice “toy” to experiment with and set a goal. Maybe one day such drones will be quite common and at a low price also.

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